Creepy Crawly Archive

What Do Spiders Eat?

Often misunderstood by humans, the feeding behavior of spiders regulates almost every ecosystem on earth, principally in controlling insect populations. There are over 40,000 spider species worldwide, all of which (except one) are exclusively carnivorous. While spiders are commonly associated with webs, …

What do moths eat

Often confused with butterflies, moths are winged, mostly nocturnal insects that undergo complete metamorphosis. While DNA analysis suggests that butterflies may have evolved from moths, scientists classify these two kinds of insects separately within the order Lepidoptera. About 165,000 species of moths …

What do slugs eat?

Slugs are gastropod molluscs which, unlike their cousin snails, are devoid of shell, or have small shells within their bodies. Gastropods are the second largest class in the animal kingdom, so these animals have so many relatives that one should not confuse …

What do wasps eat

Wasps are broadly described in the animal kingdom as any insect of the order Hymenoptera and the suborder Apocrita that is neither a bee nor an ant. Most wasps are parasitic – that is, they use their ovipositor (stinger) to lay eggs …

What do caterpillars eat

Ever remember reading the Hungry Caterpillar when you were young? It is an amazing book and every babies love it to bits. If you have never read the book, check out the reviews and the prices here . The caterpillar in the …

The Eight Legged Monster

Last night I decided to sleep early. As usual, I got so distracted and ended up sleeping at my normal time. My distraction was of the eight legged variety. So what happened was that I was brushing my teeth and I was …

L’escargots and Frog-legs!

Its been quite some time since I last posted anything, working at my brother company for a temporary job took up quite a lot of my time. Now I am back to working on Petite Paw and hopefully updates will become regular! …
fruit eating insect - limes and spiders

What Do Insects Eat?

Insects, commonly called “bugs,” are invertebrates with external skeleton (exoskeleton) made of chitin, three body segments (head, thorax, and abdomen), six legs, one pair of antennae, and compound eyes. Though there are probably 6 to 10 million species on earth, only 1 …